Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association
Constitution and Policies
1. Name/Title:
Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association.
2. Aims:
2.1 The aim of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association is to promote an active interest in the heritage, environment and amenities of the district and thereby to enhance the quality of life of the community.
2.2 To network with and to support community groups working to enhance all aspects of our environment.
2.3 To enhance awareness and appreciation of local heritage including the natural and built environment.
3. Membership:
Membership is open to all members of our community who are interested in the heritage, environment and amenities of the district. Attendance will be recorded by the Secretary (or other officer) at each meeting of the Association and any member of the community recorded as attending 2 consecutive meetings will be deemed to be a member by emailing a membership request to which will then be brought for approval at the next monthly meeting.
4. Committee:
The Committee will have a minimum of four officers.
5. Officers:
The committee will have a chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer and a PRO. Other officers will be chosen as deemed necessary.
6. Election of Officers:
Officers will be elected at the AGM.
7. Meetings:
7.1 The Labane Ardrahan Community Association will hold a minimum of four meetings per year, at regular intervals.
7.2 Quorum
7.2.1 The quorum for the meetings shall be six members with a stipulation that at least one officer be present.
7.3 Agenda
7.3.1 The agenda will be drawn up by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson. Items for inclusion on the agenda must be submitted to the Chairperson at least two days before the meeting.
7.4 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
7.4.1 The AGM will be held annually not more than 14 months after the previous AGM.
7.4.2 Notice of the AGM will be sent to each member 1 week prior to the AGM.
7.4.3 Each member will be entitled to vote at the AGM. Members may not vote at the AGM unless they have been a member for 6 months.
7.4.4 The AGM will elect the committee.
7.5 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
7.5.1 An EGM may be called by submitting the reason for the EGM to the Chairperson, in the form of a letter signed by not fewer than 3 committee members.
7.5.2 The committee will be obliged to organise an EGM within 7 days.
8. Decision Making:
8.1 The committee will endeavour to reach consensus on decisions. In the event that this is not possible, decisions will be taken by vote.
8.2 Each member of the committee is entitled to one vote.
8.3 In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson has a casting vote.
9. Subcommittees and Task Groups:
9.1 The committee may establish subcommittees or task groups when required.
9.2 These subcommittees may include people external to the committee if appropriate.
9.3 Any subcommittee or task group so appointed will take instruction from the committee and report to the committee.
10. Accounts:
The committee is responsible for ensuring that proper books of accounts are kept according to the financial policy of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association.
11. Disciplinary Procedures:
Issues that require the implementation of disciplinary proceedings include but are not limited to:
Persistent non-attendance at meetings
Misrepresentation of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association.
Misuse of funds.
Misconduct, including:
Breaching the rules of the constitution.
Offensive, abusive behaviour or behaviour that is not aligned with LACDA values of working together and mutual respect.
Disciplinary procedures will be commenced when a complaint in writing has been made by a member to the LACDA committee against the conduct of another member.
The LACDA committee will appoint a subcommittee of not less than three members in good standing to investigate the matter.
The subcommittee will gather factual information from all parties concerned in the matter and will report in writing to the main LACDA committee with a recommendation on how the matter may be resolved.
The work of the subcommittee will be confidential other than in regard to its report to the main LACDA committee.
Following the report and recommendations of the subcommittee the main LACDA committee will seek to resolve the matter by conciliation but reserves the right to suspend, expel or otherwise sanction any member, and, in the event of criminal misconduct, will report the matter to the relevant authorities.
The LACDA committee reserves the right to withdraw membership from a member for reasons other than those outlined above on a vote of a majority of two-thirds or more of the members present including a minimum of two officers.
12. Amendments to the Constitution:
12.1 Motions to amend the constitution must be submitted to the Secretary, by email to four weeks prior to the date of the AGM.
12.2 The proposer of an amendment will be invited to speak for the motion at the AGM. The committee will have the opportunity to respond if necessary.
12.3 Motions to amend the constitution will be carried on a majority vote of two-thirds or more of those members present at the AGM.
12.4 An EGM may be called to amend the constitution if required. The same rules apply for an EGM.
The Chairperson of Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association will be required:
To act as spokesperson or representative of the Association.
To be thoroughly familiar with matters of procedure and the rules of the Association.
To guide the meeting and to enable the members to work harmoniously and purposefully as a team.
To conduct meetings with impartiality and in a pleasant and tactful manner.
To arrange delegation so that as many members as possible will be involved and gain experience.
S/He will be required to:
Arrive in good time before the meeting and start on time.
Ensure there is a quorum present, according to the rules.
Declare the meeting open clearly.
Receive apologies for those who are absent and sign the minutes of the last meeting.
In the event of a debate, sum up the points of members clearly and concisely - those in favour and against the motion before a decision is taken.
Ensure that the Secretary records any decisions taken.
The Secretary of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association will be required:
To be responsible for the administration of the association.
To keep an up-to-date list of names and email addresses of members..
To keep careful, orderly records of the Association’s work, including:
Taking and keeping minutes of meetings
Filing all correspondence received and copies of replies sent, in their date order
Filing reports received and made
To compile lists of any names and addresses that may be useful to the Association.
To keep a record of past activities and decisions of the Association and to keep a diary of future events
To prepare a report of the Association’s activities for the year, for the AGM.
The Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson, will be responsible for drawing up and circulating the agenda. The following provides a template for the agenda:
Time Allocated Item
​10 minutes Apologies
2 minutes Items for AOB
10 minutes Matters Arising
10 minutes Correspondence
10 minutes Treasurer's Report
20 minutes Items of Main Business
20 minutes Item's of Main Business
20 minutes Item's of Main Business
2 minutes Item's of Main Business
The Secretary will be responsible for recording and circulating the minutes.
The Treasurer of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association will be required to:
Be responsible for all the financial transactions of the Association.
Be one of the authorised signatories on the cheques and have access to online banking
Be accessible to the Association on a regular basis.
Present a list of accounts for payment.
Prepare a budget for activities and programmes.
Present a record of the current financial state of the Association at meetings.
Prepare and present a Statement of Accounts at the AGM.
File all receipts, monies and Account Statements in order of date.
Procedure for the authorisation of payments
The Treasurer of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association will:
Present a list of payments to be made to the Committee at each Committee meeting.
On obtaining authorisation from the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association, the Treasurer will issue payment promptly.
The Treasurer of the Labane Ardrahan Community Development Association will be responsible for the implementation of the financial policy of the Association.
A bank account should be opened in the Association’s name. Other bank accounts may be opened if and when required.
Sample signatures of the members of those authorised to sign cheques will be provided.
Receipts will be issued and duplicated retained for all money received, however small the amount.
All money received must be lodged to the bank account, lodgement slip receipted and lodgement recorded in Cash Book.
All expenses including drawings from Petty Cash must be by cheque or electronically that will be recorded.
A receipted Invoice or Voucher or Petty Cash document will be obtained for all cash paid out, however small.
Cash payment must never be made from cash received. Income must always be recorded and paid in, and expenses must be recorded and paid out by cheque.
Recording and Inspection
Proper records of all financial transactions will be kept. To this end a Cash Book will be kept on an annual basis in order to record all the financial transactions for the year.
The accounts must be audited and checked by someone other than the Treasurer, Secretary or Chairperson before the AGM.
The Cash Book and other recording mechanisms will be made available for general inspection at the AGM.
All records of financial transactions must be kept for a period of six years.