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Ardrahan for Nature

The Ardrahan for Nature community biodiversity group was formed in 2021 for residents of the Ardrahan area who have a love of nature and an interest in learning more about their local place. We are committed to preserving and enhancing the biodiversity of the area by raising awareness locally through free information events such as walks, talks and evening classes. Typical annual events include a bat-watching ‘talk and walk’, birdwatching at local turloughs, a barn owl talk (attended by Erin the Ambassador Barn Owl), and fieldtrips to the local Ardrahan Grasslands SAC and Castletaylor Woodlands (Coillte) SAC, guided by rangers from the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for coming events.

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Collared dove nesting in Castletaylor

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Bluebells in Cregaclare Demesne

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Cowslips in Ballinduff

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